Thursday, January 16, 2014

I'm Thinking About Writing For Constant Content

Over the summer when I was attempting to earn money full time from online writing, I researched some websites other than HubPages and Textbroker that might help me earn more money. I chose first to write on Webanswers, which I started at the end of June and did well on. Then I decided to take a chance and try Bubblews which is going very well for me. I starteed with Bubblews in mid-August. Things seem to be slowing down in terms of earnings for me on WebAnswers lately. So, while not giving it up totally, I am once again looking for a website online that I can earn from. And I am thinking about writing for Constant Content. I have done a LOT of research on it and am not sure whether to jump in or not. The problems are two fold as I see them: 1) They are huge sticklers for correct grammar, including comma usage, which often trips me up. Articles get sent back if they are not absolutely perfect, and then trying to fix them and resend them is a big undertaking from what I hear. And 2) You have to write articles and you keep them in your own article bank for others to come take a look at and determine whether or not they want to buy your article. If not, they could just sit there forever, and never get sold. That seems like a big waste of time to me. If I spend time writing an article and then no one is interested enough to purchase it, what was the point of putting all that time into writing it in the first place? And now that I think about it, there's a third issue and that is you have to choose how you want an article to be purchased. If I say someone can purchase it, but it needs to have my by-line, then that probably won't sell as well as if I sold it with permission to not include my a ghost writer. Oh yes, one more issue...Constant Content takes 35% of the purchase price. So I guess there are really four issues here that are making me hesitant. Anyone care to weigh in on this? Have you had any luck over at Constant Content or do you know anyone that has? I think I will still mull this over for awhile!

Monday, January 13, 2014

My Writing Earnings for 2013

I am a bit disappointed, aw, who am I kidding, more than a bit disappointed in that I had a goal of tripling my writing income of 2012 in the year 2013, but I didn't even quite double it. In 2013 I earned $520 from writing and in 2013 I only earned $972. So although I earned more, it certainly isn't enough to get all excited about. I did find 2 new writing venues which helped a lot this year and they were WebAnswers and Bubblews. Unfortunately I didn't find them till the end of the summer so maybe things will be much better this coming year from those 2?  So far Bubblews is working out best for me. I am working my way up to earning $100 per month there but currently make between $50 and $75 a month just at that one website. My goal for writing earnings for the year 2014 is $2,400. That still will not support me, nor will it pay for my daughter's college tuition, but every little bit helps, and that will be a big increase for me. Instead of doubling or tripling what I earned this year, I just chose $2,400 because it will mean I am earning $200 a month. This year one of my goals is also to have at least one article published in a  magazine, and to start writing for the site Constant Content. Stay tuned and I will let you know how it goes!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

My Earnings for December, 2013

Well, I have figured out my writing earnings for the month of December, 2013. I was so hoping to hit $100 but came up a few dollars short. My total for December came to $97.39 and included: $43.55 for Bubblews, $15.73 for HubPages, $38.11 for Google Adsense. I just figured out my totals for the year but will put that in another blog entry. I am disappointed to not have made the $100 this month. I was in a real rush during the last couple days and wrote a lot on Bubblews, but it wasn't enough. And as for the month of December as a whole, I suppose with all of the holiday preparations I was involved in during December, I should be pretty happy with what I did accomplish. I really need to step my monthly earnings up in 2014 though. Here's to a great year for all of us who write to earn money!